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oardell house inspection

The company locals reach out to when they’re looking for Oradell home inspections is Eagle Eye Inspections LLC. With over 10 years in the construction business, you can bet that we know what it takes to build to pass inspection and then actually go through the inspection process.

That means we also know what to look for when it comes to going over your property with a fine tooth comb. Our ultimate goal is to make sure the home you invest into is well-suited for you and your family, as well that you’re making a solid investment.

You can’t take chances and bypass getting an inspection, and it’s required for financing purposes in many cases. Before you buy in or around the Oradell area, let us provide you with the inspection you need.

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The All-Important Radon Testing

As a prospective Oradell homeowner, one of the things you’ll really need to know about is radon testing. The only way to know if your dwelling has high levels with testing.

Here are a few things you should be aware of when it comes to this radioactive gas:

  • This gas is colorless and odorless making it difficult to detect.
  • It’s produced by decaying uranium and is found in nearly all soils and the very air that we breathe.
  • The reason it becomes harmful is that it becomes trapped in the home and results in long term exposure. This level of exposure is linked to lung cancer that fills over 20k Americans each year.
  • Testing is how you get an idea of how much is present in your home so you know if you need to take action. It’s important not to procrastinate when it comes to testing or the resulting action that will help improve your home.
  • There are things you can do after your test, like caulking foundation cracks or sealing your concrete in order to reduce radon gas from getting into your home in the first place.

Improve your home and take better care of your well-being with important service like radon testing. For all of your Oradell home inspections and related work needs, contact us today for nothing short of excellence.

Oradell, NJ

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If you’re looking for professional home inspections in Oradell, call today at 201-699-6608 or complete our online request form.