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At Eagle Eye Inspections, LLC, we go above and beyond to provide superior service for each of our customers. When it comes to Elmwood Park home inspections, our service quality is unsurpassed.

You’d be amazed at the details other companies can miss because they take a quantity over quality approach to the process. The more inspections they can get through, the more money they make.

With over a decade of hands-on experience in the construction business, we know just how vital it is to do through inspections because the smallest error can cause big problems, down the road. The health, safety, and comfort of our Elmwood Park customers is our priority and our inspections will ensure that’s what you end up with.

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The Importance of the Re-Inspection

It’s not uncommon to find some issues that need to be addressed from the initial inspection for your prospective new house in Elmwood Park. You’ll work out the details and the repairs will be made before you buy and move in – more than likely your financial lender will insist on it.

However, then the key is to get the re-inspection and here is why that’s so important:

  • If the seller is taking care of the repairs, their main objective is to keep the costs low. So they may show you receipts that prove someone worked on the home but that doesn’t mean the result are high-quality repairs. This protects you against shoddy repair work.
  • Your bank is going to be much happier about the process of completing that loan if you can demonstrate the work has been done and checked. In fact, some lenders may require that a follow up inspection be completed.
  • Above all else, it’s about peace of mind. The safety, well-being, and even comfort of your family is the main objective. A re-inspection ensures that your home is up to the standards that you and your loved ones should be able to expect.

Protect yourself against the unexpected. Reach out to us not, and get the best in Elmwood Park home inspections.

Elmwood Park, NJ

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If you’re looking for professional home inspections in Elmwood Park, call today at 201-699-6608 or complete our online request form.