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Eagle Eye Inspections, LLC is the choice team to call for tasks like mold inspections in New Jersey. Before you’ve even noticed the possibility of mold, it can take hold and cause serious damage.

If you’re looking at homes to buy, you need expert home inspections to check for problems like this. Yet, mildew and mold can elude even a trained and well-meaning inspector.

Take care of your home and your health and opt for mold inspections, because it’s better to be safe than sorry. We can ensure that you get the information and protection you need.

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Don’t Let Mold Take You by Surprise

A common misconception is a clean home is a mold-free home. The truth of the matter is, even the cleanest of homes has the presence of mold spores, they’ve just not been given the correct conditions to take hold.

Besides, your home can still be clean and in good condition but end up with mold growth and development. Plus, it’s something a home inspector could miss which is why it’s important to specifically get mold inspections.

To grow, mold needs a food source, like your drywall, darkness, warmth, oxygen, and moisture. The fact that it needs dark conditions means it begins in places you don’t see.

So, cleanliness isn’t a factor so think about:

  • Humidity can lead to mold. This is why it’s a good idea to take precautions such as a dehumidifier. Stay proactive when you get leaks or have a bathroom without enough ventilation to counterbalance moisture.
  • This includes condensation on windows, concrete floors, metal pipes, and more. It’s important to try to get to the root of the problem and handle it or you’ll end up with mildew and mold.
  • Wet clothing, carpet, or other fabrics can lead to mold. Bathrooms with carpet can cause serious problems. Or if you have areas where you tend to hang wet clothing that’s not outside and doesn’t have the airflow required to accommodate that.

Take care of your home and protect your health by contacting us for mold inspections for your New Jersey home.

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If you’re looking for professional mold inspections in New Jersey, call today at 201-699-6608 or complete our online request form.